School Board Member Recognition Week is Feb. 9-15
The New Albany and Union County School Districts will join districts across the state to thank school board members during School Board Member Recognition Week, February 9-15.
Governor Tate Reeves has proclaimed the week-long observance in honor of board member services throughout Mississippi.
The contributions of school board members to their communities and their commendable efforts to improve student success will be celebrated this month.
School board members are called upon to find the resources needed in producing high student achievement. School districts across the state are challenged to do more with less, and school board members take the lead in helping do just that.
“This week is a special opportunity to express our gratitude for the hard work of our school board members and to thank them for their dedication to our community and our students,” said Dr. Lance Evans, Superintendent of New Albany Schools.
The board members who serve on your local school boards are responsible for setting the vision and goals for the district. They work to provide a quality education for students in PreK-12thgrade and oversee the district’s annual budget. The school board adopts policies and evaluates progress while keeping the interest of our students first.
“As school leaders, board members play an important role in engaging our community in supporting our public schools,” said Ken Basil, Superintendent of Union County School District.
The New Albany and Union County School Districts are privileged to have a dedicated group of citizens working on behalf of children’s education. Each member is to be commended for their untiring efforts in putting policies in place that proves the districts’ commitment to high standards for student excellence.
School Board members of the New Albany School District include: Jill Shaw, Barbara Washington, Mark Garrett, David Rainey, and Ren Nelson.
Those serving in the Union County School District are Terry Cook, Mickey Basil, Mike Browning, Wayne Mahon, and Daphnia McMillen.