Schools in the Spotlight: 2017
This post will contain photos about school activities published in the’s SPOTLIGHT position during 2017.
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Community volunteer Amy Livingston, representing Recycle New Albany and Historic Northside Garden Club, visited students in the 21st Century Community Learning Center Summer Program at New Albany Elementary School on Wednesday, May 21. Livingston, along with teachers, performed a skit to show students how to reduce, reuse, and recycle. During the presentation, students learned to sort objects for recycling and decided if items could be reused. This presentation was a part of the program’s goal to provide a variety of character education and youth development lessons to students participating in the 21st Century programs.

New Albany High School presented ACT 30+ Club t-shirts to Amber Balentine and Hannah Harris on Monday, May 8 for their recent success on the ACT. Students who have a composite or subscore of 30 or more on their recent ACT are inducted into the club. One hundred twenty-six students have become members of the ACT 30+ Club since its creation in the fall of 2009.

State Representative Jay Hughes served as a volunteer proctor during the 3rd Grade MAP English Language Arts-Writing state test on Thursday, April 27 at New Albany Elementary School. He arrived early to get to know Beth Matlock’s third graders before testing began that morning and for a quick photo op for the school dis

Three New Albany High School seniors were recognized for making college cheer squads on Tuesday, May 9. Chloe Lang and Olivia Thompson will cheer at Itawamba Community College this fall, while Lauren Paige Hamilton will cheer for Northeast Mississippi Community College. Pictured are l-r: Lang, Hamilton, Thompson, and NAHS Cheer Sponsor Jill Robbins.

First graders in Stephanie Simmons’ class at New Albany Elementary School have recently studied about mummies. The students were reading “The Sinking of the Titanic” which told the story of a boy sneaking in the baggage claim area to open a crate that had an Egyptian Mummy in it. Students learned about how mummies were wrapped and kept. Students created their own mummies and crates in class. The mummies were created with a 3D printer and the students learned how to wrap them. The 3D printer was received through the Rokenbok STEM Enhancement Grant.

New Albany High School Girls Powerlifting team members Kennedy Rogers & Macy Moorehead placed in the State Powerlifting Meet held in Jackson on Friday, April 14. Rogers place fourth in her weight class and and Moorehead placed third in her weight class.

To celebrate National Children’s Dental Health Month, students in Pre-K and Kindergarten at New Albany Elementary School had a visit from Dental Assistants Rachel Waddle, Allie Epting, and Teresa Lyons of Perkins Dental Clinic on Tuesday, February 28. During the health education lesson, students learned about good dental health and watched demonstrations on how to best take care of their teeth.

New Albany High School Librarian Amy Welborn read One Fish Two Fish to students in Angela Victory’s and Sue Marques’ first grade classrooms at New Albany Elementary School for Read Across America Day on Thursday, March 2.

Brad Clayton was recently elected to serve as President of the New Albany School Board for the next year. Mr. Clayton has served on the School Board since 2013. Pictured (right) is Jill Shaw, Past President, passing the gavel to Mr. Clayton

Bill Mattox, New Albany Light, Gas, & Water Manager and Amy Livingston, Community Volunteer spoke to Patrice Mason’s sixth grade social studies class at New Albany Middle School on Friday, March 3. The students have been studying citizenship and wanted to learn more about working for the good of their community. Livingston answered questions about things that are going on in our community. Mattox gave information about how New Albany Light, Gas, & Water works.

Students at the NASTUC (New Albany South Tippah Union County) Behavioral Management Center participated in Operation Christmas Card which gave students the opportunity to participate in a writing project. Students wrote friendly letters and focused on letter format, capitalization, grammar, and punctuation. Operation Christmas Card provided the school with seventeen soldiers and each student was able to write a specific soldier. Students were excited to receive responses from the soldiers through this project.

David Hopple (L), New Albany High School Band Director, was recently recognized as the George E. Schultz Director of the Year by the Northeast Mississippi Band Director’s Association. Hopple received the recognition due to the dedication he has demonstrated to his students and his commitment to music education. Hopple has been Band Director at New Albany HS since 2012.

On Wednesday, February 1st a small group of New Albany High School students interested in the selective college admissions process traveled to Nashville, TN to tour Vanderbilt University. Students attended an informational session led by an admissions counselor, then they took a walking tour led by a senior Vanderbilt student. On the tour, the students had the opportunity to see a residency hall, learn about campus life and organizations, and get a better understanding of the opportunities made available to Vanderbilt students.

The student organization HOSA (Health Occupational Students of America) recently held the district leadership competition at Delta State University in Cleveland, MS. April Voyles is the Health Science Instructor and serves as the HOSA Advisor. The New Albany Career and Technical Center at New Albany High School had thirty-one students to participate in the competition. Twenty-five of the thirty-one students are eligible to compete at the HOSA state leadership competition in March. The HOSA state leadership competition will be held in Jackson, MS.

Casen Robbins and Whit Whiteside show off their shirts that were decorated with 100 items.There will be more posted about the 100 Days celebration tomorrow.

The New Albany Garden Club recently sponsored the Smokey Bear & Woodsy Owl Poster Contest at New Albany Elementary School. Pictured l-r are grade level winners: Tanya Coombs, NA Garden Club Member; Donovan Pulliam, First Place Winner-Grade 3- Smokey Bear Contest; Noah Wilder, First Place Winner-Grade 4-Smokey Bear Contest; Alden Spencer, First Place Winner-Grade 5-Smokey Bear Contest; Nicholas Little, First Place Winner-Grade 3-Woodsy Owl Contest; Gerry Hernandez, First Place Winner-Grade 4-Woodsy Owl Contest; Logan Bradley, First Place Winner-Grade 5-Woodsy Owl Contest; Emily Murff, Art Rotation Teacher & School Contest Coordinator; Samantha Morris, NA Garden Club President. Donovan Pulliam was the Overall Smokey Bear Contest Winner and Logan Bradley was the Overall Woodsy Owl Contest Winne

New Albany Middle School students (l-r) Annea Scales, Zariah Frazier, and Alan McPhail display items from the Bulldog Reward Program. The Bulldog Reward Program is a new incentive program used to motivate students to do their best. Students earn play money to purchase items through the program. NAMS would like to thank Pam Brown of State Farm Insurance Agency for sponsoring Bulldog Reward Program

First grade students at New Albany Elementary School celebrated Martin Luther King Jr. Day by remembering how he changed the world with his own two hands. Students wrote their dreams for the world on hands to create this heart display. They read, researched, and completed directed drawings in his honor.