Sheriff’s Department dispatch log for Sept. 21-27

New Albany MS Sheriff's office calls

(Does not include traffic stops, coroner calls or some medical calls)


Monday, Sept. 21:

12:22 a.m. – Rear sales motion alarm at address on Hwy. 178 West.

1:09 a.m. – Male subject unconscious and not waking up at CR 86 address. Call transferred to hospital.

2:03 a.m. – Car going down interstate wrong way in front of Waffle House.

7:25 a.m. – Two-car 1050 on CR 114. Vehicle left scene.

3:07 p.m. – Caller on CR 56 advised that he needs someone removed from the property. Father and son are having a dispute.

4:30 p.m. – Child protective services wanted officer to meet with them at CR 267 address.

7:17 p.m. – Caller on CR 121 advised she was on the phone with her daughter and heard a bunch of arguing and possibly fighting.

11:50 p.m. – Male subject causing a disturbance on CR 101.


Tuesday, Sept. 22:

12:30 a.m. – A male subject on CR 278 advised some people were coming to beat him up.

5:55 a.m. – Caller on Hwy. 178 West requested officers for disturbance at this address. Disturbance is between caller and a male subject.

6:44 a.m. – A female subject on CR 278 received a distress call from a male subject this morning at 5:15 saying police were there. He thought someone was trying to kill him.

12:34 a.m. – Two-car accident on CR 194.

2:06 p.m. – Caller on CR 73 advised someone had vandalized his wife’s car. Needs report.

5:03 p.m. – Woman on CR 259 said subject is on her property at this time. Want an officer to come out. Her husband is on his way to where the person is on their property.

5:19 p.m. – Caller on CR 252 advised he came home from work and someone had kicked his door in.

6:25 p.m. – Caller on Hwy. 349 advised neighbor shot dog and dumped it.

8:00 p.m. – Man walking down the middle of the road on Hwy. 178 East and 254.


Wednesday, Sept. 23:

8:37 a.m. – Caller on CR 86 advised a woman in maroon Mustang and she looked like she might need some help. Wanted someone to check on.

10:44 a.m. – Advised two subjects were fighting on Magnolia Way. Advised they will have someone there to show them where to go.

11:32 a.m. – Caller on CR 209 advised that a male subject has taken money out of her wallet and she is at his house now, very hard to understand.

1:32 p.m. – Caller on Hwy. 178 West advised her son and her and her husband are having a big argument. Want an officer.

5:11 p.m. – Call on CR 152 about tall white male, tats, no shirt, no shoes, toward 30 East.

8:03 p.m. – Caller on CR 88 advised a male subject has put his hands on her.

8:19 p.m. – General complaint at Regal Truck Stop about gray Dodge Caravan.

8:29 p.m. – Disturbance call in Ridgeland Circle about silver Chevy truck.

11:04 p.m. – Woman on CR 47 advised a subject stole all her firearms.


Thursday, Sept. 24:

7:18 a.m. – Abandoned or disabled vehicle on CR 278 at Brittany Lane. Ford truck black before you get to CR 73 near a half developed subdivision.

7:30 a.m. – Two car 1050 on Sam Tom Barkley Drive at Hwy. 15 North. Caller advised two SUVs, unknown injuries.

9:15 a.m. – Tree across the road on CR 115.

11:00 a.m. – Caller on CR 73 advised she wanted a deputy. Someone was on her property that she wants gone.

11:52 a.m. – Caller on CR 73 advised that subjects are back out there.

12:52 p.m. – Caller on Lee Lane wants a deputy to go with him to a subject’s house and get some property that belongs to his father-in-law, supposed to be sitting on the front porch.

2:56 p.m. – Caller on CR 42 advised a subject is hanging out of the doors of a gray Toyota and driving crazy.

5:22 p.m. – Caller on CR94 advised nephew and other subject got into a fight. Wants a deputy out there.

6:09 p.m. – Caller at Twin Creeks Trailer Park advised she needs to speak with an officer about two dogs she bought.

6:34 p.m. – Caller on Woodland Drives reported the theft of a 2005 white Silverado crew cab.

9:27 p.m. – Abandoned or disabled vehicle. 18-wheeler stopped in middle of road on I-22 east bound at mile marker 63.

11:07 p.m. – Caller at Twin Creeks advised subjects are blocking the drive.


Friday, Sept. 25:

7:50 a.m. – Alarm call on CR 88.

7:40 p.m. – Caller on CR 81 thinks someone may have broken into his truck.

10:35 p.m. – One car accident on Hwy. 9 South, vehicle on fire.


Saturday, Sept. 26:

4:38 a.m. – Burglar alarm call on Hwy. 178 West.

9:04 a.m. – Caller on CR 182 advised someone destroyed his mailbox.

11:55 a.m. – Caller on CR 120 advised there was a disturbance and needed to see an officer.

12:59 p.m. – Caller on CR 244 advised a gun was stolen.

2:29 p.m. – Caller on Hwy. 178 East reported stolen guns.

4:21 p.m. – Disturbance on CR 101.

7:45 p.m. – Caller on CR 75. Taken a lot of meth, could be OD-ing.

8:43 p.m. – Caller on CR 107 reported white truck, doors opened and nobody around.


Sunday, Sept. 27:

8:59 a.m. – Caller on CR 51 reported elderly on the side of road.

9:53 a.m. – Welfare check on CR 307.

12:01 p.m. – Caller on Hwy. 30 West advised of a disturbance.

1:40 p.m. – Disturbance on CR 54.

2:11 p.m. – Caller on CR 47 wants officer to get some property.

2:37 p.m. – Disturbance on CR 81.

3:49 p.m. – General complaint on 578.


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