Show time! Nov 13-15 for “It’s a Wonderful Life”
It is two more days until showtime! Tallahatchie River Players (TRP) presents “It’s a Wonderful Life” by James Rodgers, with special arrangement with Dramatic Publishing in Woodstock, Illinois, on November 13 & 14 at 7 pm, and on November 15th at 2 pm.
Box office opens one hour before showtime to purchase tickets or you can go by the Main Street office at 135 East Bankhead and pick up your tickets or call 662-534-3438.
This is an anniversary show for TRP. In 2005, TRP brought this production to the stage with a cast that was seasoned and new.. In the 2015 productions, some of the original cast is back! Rick Robbins is back to portray George Bailey the every-man that has a heart of gold and a ton of trouble; Bobby White is back as Clarence Odbody, the angel sent to help George get back on the right track; Carol Hovland as Miss Carter the Bank Examiner looking into things to help Potter bring down the Building and Loan; Heather Henderson as Violet Peterson the owner of the local beauty shop that has had her eye on George for a long time.. There are some returning crew members also; Gina Veal is playing the role of Mr. Potter’s Secretary, but 10 years ago she was a member of the crew (great going on stepping out Gina!) Bonnie Moody was assistant director last time but this year she is putting her skills to work as the Stage Manager; Shane Murry who operated the curtains 10 years ago has returned to the job this year; Evelyn Mason is returning as the director of the show, this was her debut solo directing for TRP in 2005.
The other roles in this large cast production are being brought to life by new and seasoned performers! They represent all ages including 9 children and 1 teenager, middle age and seasoned adults, they are from a variety of communities. We hope to have a few of the previous players to come and be walk-ons for nostalgic purpose. A few of the larger roles are being filled by the following – Mark Garrett is Mr. Henry Potter, Kim Fitts is Mary Hatch Bailey, Patricia Hancock is Mother Bailey; Bill Hughes as Uncle Billy and Cathy Garrett as Aunt Tilly.
“I have always loved this movie and when offered the opportunity to direct this show I jumped at it in 2005. When the board decided that we would like to reprise some of our 10 year shows, of course this one was at the top of the list along with Steel Magnolias. Be sure and look for more reprisals of shows as we move forward and grow!”, says Mason, who is also the current TRP Chairman.
There have been lots of people who have contributed to this production and we thank them all! Evelyn does not want to try to name them because she is sure she will leave out someone, but a few to mention are Rick Robbins, along with his class, for the major construction items of the set along with Rick Lemmons, Donna Lemmons for the majority of the costuming, Phil Nanney for sharing his knowledge in all things theater, helping with lights ect…, Cathy Garrett for her tireless search and support, and about 2 dozen other people who will be in the programs.
We hope you will bring your family, date or just even yourself to our show! We hope it will be a great night of entertainment for you.