Learning soft skills makes students more employable
Career & Technical Education Focuses on ‘Soft Skills’
Soft skills have been the focus of study for students enrolled in classes at the New Albany High School of Career and Technical Education. For the past two weeks, instructors have been team teaching students those skills that will help make them more employable.
The soft skills study began on April 25 with introductory lessons and concluded on May 4. During the unit, students were introduced to soft skills, learned about job objectives and conflict resolution, as well as preparing a resume and job application.
A major focus was the job interview component. Students learned how to prepare for an interview and were able to participate in a mock interview. Second year vocational students were selected and trained to serve as the interviewers during the project.
Alison Moore, Business and Marketing Instructor at the Career and Technical Center, coordinated the study on soft skills. She explained that career and technical instructors believe in educating the whole student and giving them as many opportunities to succeed as possible.
“This activity is one more way we can make sure our students are better prepared for the future,” Moore stated. “It was a fun real-life learning activity and I heard so many positive comments from both the interviewers and the interviewees that day.” Moore believes this will become an annual event.
“Through this process, we have given our students an opportunity to learn more skill sets while better equipping them for the job force,” said Kimberly Langley, an instructor at the Career and Technical Center. “They now better know how to apply for a job and what to expect during an interview.”
Sarah Duley, a student at the Career and Technical Center added, “It was a great opportunity for us to learn tips for completing a job application and the proper skills for how to best present yourself in an interview.”