St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church youth present the Way of the Cross
The youth of St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church of New Albany presented the Way of the Cross (El ViaCrusis) in downtown New Albany on Sunday March 25. The reenactment of the crucifixion of Christ was presented in both Spanish and English to a good-sized audience. The event was a precursor to Easter observance, this coming weekend.
Tradition holds that the remembrance of the Stations of the Cross began with Mary, the mother of Jesus. She is said to have made the trek to the cross along with her son, and then to have retraced his steps after his burial. Mary is said to have paused 14 times in her devotional to emphasize the occasions when His suffering was particularly great. For more on the Way of the Cross tradition, click the link below the photos.
Scenes from The Way of the Cross/El ViaCrusus (Stations of the Cross) presentation:
(click to enlarge/download photos)
Bilingual information on Way of the Cross observance (Provided by St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church): Stations of the Cross