Billye Jean Stroud has her “dream job” at New Albany Main Street


After a month on the job as director of New Albany Main Street Association, Billye Jean Stroud says her enthusiasm for the work continues to grow.

“I have found my dream job,” she says. “I’ve walked into a vibrant downtown without a lot of problems that need to be fixed.”

When she was hired, Main Street President Bob Spencer said, “Billye Jean is very organized and attentive to details. She’s not afraid of getting out in front of the public to solicit new members and look for ways we can improve our organization.”

Spencer said last week that he is very happy with the work accomplished since Stroud took on the job, on Monday, Feb. 20th. “I’m even more impressed,” said Spencer. “I think we were fortunate to have her come aboard after her years of extensive business experience.”

New Albany Main Street is a part of the Mississippi Main Street Association, which was launched in 1984. The Mississippi association now has 53 member communities. Nationally, Main Street was established in 1980 as the result of work by the National Trust for Historic Preservation. A major motivation then was that historic “main streets” across America were losing vitality, and historic downtown buildings were being destroyed.

The New Albany chapter of Main Street was established 21 years ago, in 1996.

In addition to its mission of preserving the historic character of New Albany’s downtown area, New Albany Main Street helps promote business in the downtown area and gives assistance to entrepreneurs who are starting new businesses downtown.

The offices of New Albany Main Street are located in the old New Albany Post office building, across the street from the Union County Courthouse. Its telephone number is 662-534-3438.