Supervisors’ December 4,5: Annual bids and courthouse renovations

Repairs to the 108-year old Union County Courthouse were among the items considered by the county’s Board of Supervisors during two meetings this week.

Altogether the board dealt with about a dozen agenda items, most of them routine. No issues were discussed that had not previously come before the board.

The board first met Monday morning, Dec. 4, its regular meeting time the first Monday of each month.

Repairs to the windows of the Union County Courthouse, a protected historic structure completed in 1909, were discussed Monday morning. Because of its historic character, repairs or any modifications to the classic county courthouse must be approved by the Mississippi Department or Archives and History (MDAH).

In a project costing a little more than $100-thousand, the old courthouse windows will be repaired including new wood for some window frames, new caulking, new paint, etc. The methods and materials used must be within guidelines from MDAH. For example windows cannot be replaced with modern, energy efficient double-glazed windows.

It may be remembered that a little more than half a million dollars was spent two years ago for repairs to the original copper dome on the courthouse.

Other business covered Monday included paying the county’s routine bills, approving the minutes of November meetings, approval of December work schedules for county road crews, payment of routine fees, and approval of payment for state-required training of workers in various county departments.

The board met again Tuesday morning, December. 5, to consider annual bids for such items as asphalt, gravel, etc.

For more about dome restoration: