Supervisors deal mostly with road-related business this month

The Union County Board of Supervisors meeting Monday again dealt with a list of minor items requiring little deliberation and with little impact on the county as a whole.

The board approved a low quote from G and O Supply of $20,523 for an assortment of plastic culverts to replenish the county’s stockpile.

They accepted a low bid of $8,832.50 from Power Equipment to repair a power broom for the road department and approved purchasing a second sweeper or broom. The purchase would come at state contract price or from SourceWell (a cooperative purchasing organization that serves government and other nonprofit agencies) but a price was not given since bids are not required.

Supervisors authorized sale of two surplus 12-by-30 arched culverts to the Town of Byhalia. Board President Steve Watson said the culverts did not do what was needed here and the county has no use for them. Byhalia will pay $12,000 for the two.

The board approved paying the medical examiner-investigator for nine death investigations, paying four election commissioners’ per diem claims and paying the circuit clerk for serving as county registrar.

In a slightly unusual move, supervisors approved a resolution and declaration of necessity to issue state bonds for a bridge on County Road 81. Supervisor C. J. Bright, in whose district the bridge will be, said this is just one way to obtain funds and will provide $450,000 toward the cost of the bridge.

In routine business, board members approved monthly budgets and amended the sheriff’s budget to transfer funds from jail consumable supplies and contractual services to sheriff’s department consumable supplies.

The next board of supervisors meeting is scheduled for Monday, Aug. 2, at 10 a.m.