Tallahatchie River Players to meet March 24th


Hello all!

On March 24th, at 630pm we will have a meeting at the theater.
As we close our 2015-2016 season, it is time to nominate and elect board members. Clint Reid, Tina Barkley and Natalie Bullard have served for the last 3 years and it is time to fill these seats. We thank these 3 for serving on the board, for your time and talent in the areas you give to TRP.
The rest of the board members are Donna Lemmons and Jennifer Canerdy – 1 year term left: Bobby White, Cathy Garrett and me, Evelyn Mason – 2 year term; Phil Nanney is our Magnolia Civic Center Rep.
Clint Reid and Tina Barkley have both been nominated to serve another term.Natalie declined.
Tori Baldwin has been nominated for the third seat. All three of these people have accepted the nominations. If you would like to nominate someone else to serve on the board, we will have a secret ballot vote to decide. If these 3 people are the only nominees, the vote will be by a verbal yea or nay vote. Please send any other nominations to this email so we may contact the person to see if they are willing.The TRP group votes for the board.
Our group has grown in talent, ideas and venue. The Music at the Magnolia has been a success! We look forward to keeping this going in our upcoming season. The Improv group, The Laugh-o-liers, is still alive but we need more commitment to have a show. They are a funny group of people! The upcoming season is going to be fun! We will have a Hee Haw, our kids show this year will be in July and then we have the 10 year anniversary show of “A Christmas Carol”. Our bank account looks healthier than it has in several seasons! We, the board members, thank you for your support, whether you were involved or as a supporter!  We look forward to seeing what the new season brings!
Thank you for letting me serve as your Chairman for the 2015-2016 season. I had a great time! I will still be here, doing my thing, so no worries that I am going anywhere. I am also excited to see who new will join our group this new season. We had some great talent join this past year! If I can help you, please call or text me and I will do what I can!
I hope you all can come next Thursday.
Break a leg!
Evelyn Murry Mason
2015-16 TRP Chairman