Tallahatchie River Players to present Music at the Magnolia, March 5th
This Saturday night, March the 5th, the Tallahatchie River Players will present “Music at the Magnolia”.
The night will begin with a full service meal followed by the remarkable singing talents of Tina Barkley and Mark Garrett. This event is by prepaid reservations only, with limited seating of 40. Reservations are $25 a person and can be made through the Main Street office by going by there or calling 534-3438 for more information.
Music at the Magnolia brings the atmosphere of the big city to our town with this event. The ambiance is very intimate and stylish. The music is soothing and delightful. The musicians are exceptional. The food, prepared by Cathy Garrett, will be delectable and heavenly.
Already, over half of the reservations have been made. Do not delay in calling today for your place at this magnificent event.
Doors open at 6 pm, with maitre d’ seating.
This event is sponsored by the TRP and UNITE