Tree planting ceremony honors Lisa Mitchell

New Albany MS Tree planting

A Tree Dedication Ceremony was held at New Albany Elementary School on October 11. A yoshino cherry tree was planted in memory of Lisa Mitchell who was an elementary teacher and administrator in New Albany School District for many years.

School Nurse & Health Services Coordinator Tammie Reeder welcomed guests and told about the tree that had been planted. Tarver Reeder, a former student of Mitchell, read a poem that parents had written for Mitchell many years ago. David Rainey, a school board member and close family friend of Lisa Mitchell’s family, gave remarks about what education and the New Albany School District meant to Lisa.

Several family members, friends, administrators, and teachers attended the ceremony.

New Albany MS former teacher honored with tree planting


New Albany MS Tree planting at NAES

Melanie Shannon
New Albany Schools
“Preparing ALL for Success

Another New Albany tree planting honored a young SIDS victim: