TRP auditioning actors for one-act plays


On Sunday afternoon, August 9th, in the Magnolia Room (beside the
theater) at the Magnolia Civic Center at 2 PM, the Tallahatchie River
Players will hold auditions for the one act play winners from the 2014
William Faulkner Literary Contest. There are 3 roles, 1 male & 1
female in their late teens/early 20s and an older gentleman.

There are also roles for the 2nd place winner as a stage reading. A
stage reading is when actors read the roles and act with their voices
and facial expressions but there is no blocking or memorization
involved. We can use as many as 4 males and 4 females but the roles
can be doubled. If you are interested, please email or call Evelyn Mason 662-317-9275.

The One act plays performed by the TRP, has been a part of the
Tallahatchie River Fest since 2004. “We look forward to reading and
performing the play winners every year. Being able to give voices to
the characters for the first time in these original plays is a great
opprotunity!” says TRP Chaiman Evelyn Mason.