TRP to present 2015 one act play winners at Faulkner Literary Fest

New Albany, MS-The Tallahatchie River players has partnered with the the William Faulkner Literary Fest to produce the winners from the 2015 one-act play writing competition. This the 12th year that we have worked together to give authors a chance to see and hear the characters they have created. In the spirit of literacy, we have added a Friday night feature to TRPs involvement, TRP’s Favorites. A former one-act play winner will be randomly chosen to be featured on this night. This is the first year we have done this and hope to continue.

TRP players rehearse one act play, "Rhubarb," for Literary Fest

TRP players rehearse “Rhubarb,” for Literary Fest

On Friday, the 23rd, TRP will present a former one-act play, “Rhubarb” by Deanna Greaves of Seminary, Mississippi. The cast is Sam Houston – Bill Gault; Betty – Ellie Fitts; Young Sam – Smith Veal; along with a group of extras. The director is Tim Burke. It is a very warm heartening story. This free performance will be presented on the Tanglefoot Trailhead at 7pm Friday night. We hope you come out and support us. In case of rain, we will move inside.

On Saturday September 24, starting at 2pm we will be at the Biscuit and Jam stage at the market area beside the Tallahatchie Bridge. This is the first year we have performed outside for the one acts and look forward to the experience. All performances are free!

The 2nd place winner from 2015 was “The Lanes” by Ashley Flesher of Louisville, KY. This will be done as a stage reading. This play is about a separation of a couple and how it will affect their daughter as well as their marriage. Note: this play was edited for language.


TRP players preparing, "The Unsalable Thing" for presentation 9-24.

TRP players preparing, “The Unsalable Thing” for presentation 9-24-16.

The 1st place winner was Mark Tjarks, PhD. of Mililani, Hawaii for his play “The Unsalable Thing”. This play will be done as a production with blocking and set pieces. The play is about storage wars, the things that are found in the storage units and a homeless man. The play is thought-provoking, with some light-hearted moments. The cast is as follows – Makana – Rick Robbins; Alvin – Tim Burke; Honey – Heather White; Barney – Billy Veal; Owner – Evelyn Mason.

Due to circumstances that were out of our control, we had to recast this play a couple of times, which means we will have script in hand. But do not fear, we will camouflage the pages. We will be acting and interacting as a full production. We consulted with the play writer and he understands our efforts and appreciates the dedication of TRP to continue on with the production. Evelyn Mason is the director for these two plays. Note: this play was edited for language and some subject matter. In case of rain we will move inside.

Please come out and support TRP! We are YOUR community theater. Also, please consider becoming a part of TRP! We need more directors and support people. The only way our group stays alive is that we grow. If you have directed school plays, church plays, or done lighting, sound, make up, decorations -TRP needs you!. If you would like more information, please email –

We hope to see you there!