Tupelo man says home overrun by homeless, asks its removal from demolition list

Northeast MS Homeless at Tupelo library

Tupelo, MS – The first Tupelo City Council meeting of the year, January 7, 2020, was not without drama. Mr. Frank Agnew, an area homeowner, went before the council in an attempt to save his property.

The home is currently in a state of disrepair, and has been placed on the City’s list of homes to be demolished. Michael McHenry, Mr. Agnew’s

attorney, told the council that his client had been ill. Mr. Agnew had been away from the home, and it had been overrun by area homeless.

After the council heard Mr. McHenry, Mr. Agnew took the podium. He stated that he planned on making the repairs if given enough time. Councilman Willie Jennings, acting as Mayor in the absence of Jason Shelton, asked Mr. Agnew what measures had been taken to keep the homeless off the property.

Northeast Ms Tupelo council meting January 2020

Mr. Frank Agnew, with his attorney Michael McHenry, addresses the council regarding his property.

Mr. Agnew was visibly upset, replying that the doors to the house were locked, and he intended to place a fence on the property. Agnew also stated that the wall dividing his property and the library was damaged, which allowed the homeless to have access.

The Tupelo Library is somewhat of hotspot for the local homeless. Since the home has been vacant it has been used by these people for shelter after the library closes.

The Council had not planned to take a vote on the matter during the meeting. Mr. Agnew was told to make the repairs needed, and the matter would be resolved.

City to Buy Property for West Jackson Development

City officials voted to purchase a section of property, which would be used to widen the intersection of Jackson Street, and allow a dedicated turn lane from Jackson Street onto Gloster Street. After voting, several members of the city council expressed their hopes that the improvements to the area would benefit the city.

Martin Luther King Jr. Celebrations

The City of Tupelo will hold three different events to celebrate Martin Luther King Day.

  • The Civic Center will hold a celebration on January 17, which will be focused on Dr. King and will feature a celebration of song and dance.
  • On January 18, a black-tie banquet will be held at the Bancorp South Conference Center.
  • The Martin Luther King Jr. birthday celebration will be held at St. Paul Methodist Church on the 20th.

Agenda link for January 7, 2020 Meeting: http://www.tupeloms.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/AGENDA-01.07.20.pdf

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