UCDA’s B2B Luncheon scheduled for October 26th
The next installment of our B2B Luncheon Series, sponsored by Toyota Motor Manufacturing Mississippi, is scheduled for Thursday, October 26, 2017, in the Magnolia Room of the Magnolia Civic Center. This event is free to UCDA Members and guests. The program will be presented by Kathryn Ragsdale and Emily Holland of Toyota Motor Manufacturing Mississippi and will include a status report and overview of the new visitors center to be constructed at the Blue Springs facility.
Seating is limited and you MUST make a reservation by responding via email or phone – 662-534-4354, by the end of the business day, Monday, October 23. The first forty-five to respond will be guaranteed a seat.
Mark your calendars for the final B2B in the 2017 series:
November 16 – Program will include a report from United Way and additional information.