Union Co. Historical Society Annual Meeting June 28 topic: Lost Stories, Cemeteries & Genealogies

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NEMiss.News Union Co. Historical Society, Lost Stories

Lost Stories, Cemeteries & Genealogies is this year’s Annual Meeting topic June 28


Please mark your calendars, the Union County Historical Society & Heritage Museum’s Annual Meeting will be Friday, June 28, 12 noon, at the First Methodist Church.  Steve Robbins will be our guest speaker with the topic: “Lost Stories, Cemeteries and Genealogies“.

Robbins, a native Union Countian, is a history detective. Son of the late Marshall and Sheila Robbins, he inherited years of research from his mother.  She also passed along to him the desire and the skills to find lost stories, the hidden cemeteries and the connections to build the larger histories of our communities and families.

He is now sought out by others who respect this history detective, his skills and his work.  He helps others solve mysteries.

NEMiss.News Steve Robbins

Steve Robbins, History Detective

Having served as a member of the Union County Historical Society Board of  Directors for many years, he embodies the mission of the society in his efforts to preserve our collected heritage. He is also a member of the UNITE Board of Directors and a member of Hillcrest Baptist Church.

This luncheon is free to members of the Society.  Preregistration by Wednesday, June 26, 5 p.m., is necessary so that staff can get an accurate lunch count.  Call the museum at 662-538-0014 or email uchm@ucheritagemuseum.com to preregister.

The Society’s annual membership drive is underway.  Go to our website https://ucheritagemuseum.com/support-the-museum/ to join or call or email the museum at  662-538-0014 or uchm@ucheritagemuseum.com. There are levels of membership to fit everyone.  Be a part of the effort to preserve our stories and our community.

Jill Smith, Director

Union County Heritage Museum

114 Cleveland Street

New Albany, MS 38652

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