Union Co. Republican women participate in Red Coat Day

Front left to right: Sarah Walker, Rep. Steve Massengill, Sue Morrisson.
Second row: Rep Margaret Ellis Rogers, Evelyn Mason
Back row: Jean Hill, Susan Morris, Lynn Harrisson, Beth Hamilton.

Front left to right: Sarah Walker, Rep. Steve Massengill, Sue Morrisson.
Second row: Rep Margaret Ellis Rogers, Evelyn Mason
Back row: Jean Hill, Nancy Frohn, Lynn Harrisson, Beth Hamilton.
Photo and ID: Sue Morrison
On March 9, 2016, Union County Republican Women participated in Red Coat Day, an annual legislative event in Jackson, with a breakfast at the Rotunda, a reception with Delbert Hoseman, Secretary of State, then a luncheon at the Old Capitol Inn.
First Lady of Mississippi, Deborah Bryant, was the keynote speaker. An afternoon tea at the Governor’s mansion was enjoyed by all.
Representatives Steve Massengill and Margaret Ellis Rogers graciously joined us for these events and provided us with a personalized tour of the Capitol. This was a busy day of networking and neither the wind nor rain dampened our enthusiasm and love of our Mississippi Federation of Republican Women and those who serve this great state and nation