Union Co. Supervisors cover a lot of business, defer action on Jail food

NEMiss.News County Supervisors, November 20, 2023




During the second meeting of the month on November 20, 2023, the Union County Board of Supervisors made significant decisions. The Chancery Clerk received approval for the County Budget Comparison Report for October 2023, and additional holidays declared by the Governor were also approved. The Certification from the Department of Revenue authorizing the expenditure of the one (1) mil levy was also given the green light. The Circuit Clerk received approval for various matters, including Election Commissioners Per Diem Claim Forms, payment for services as Registrar, and the acceptance of a resignation from Election Commissioner Bill Azlin, effective December 15. The board also approved the payment for ECAM 2024 dues and the ECAM 2024 Annual Certification Training and Convention for the Circuit Clerk and five (5) Election Commissioners. Lastly, the Constables received approval for the reimbursement of $4,500 in lost costs.

During the recent Union County Board of Supervisors meeting, several important decisions were made. The County Engineer received approval for release from the contract for State Aid Project, Project No. SAP-78(8)S. In the Justice Court, Larissa Edwards resigned as Justice Court Clerk, effective December 1, and Mary Katherine “Katie” Hale was appointed as the new Justice Court Clerk, also effective December 1. The Maintenance, Building & Grounds department received approval for restroom remodeling at the Union County Library, and the Road Department obtained approval for a School Bus Turnaround and Easement. Additionally, the Tax Office received approval for various matters, including a Tax Statement Processing Agreement and travel/lodging expenses for the Tax Assessor/Collector attending a Fall Conference in Starkville.

The Sheriff, Jimmy Edwards, discussed with the board of supervisors the Agreement with Tiger Correctional Services for food services at the Jail. However, no action was taken during the meeting. In other news, the department received approval for various employment authorizations, including the hiring of Joshua Lewis Ligon and Steven Matthew Ragsdale as full-time Jailers, effective November 20. Landon Wade Holladay was also approved for a full-time employment transfer from Jailer to Deputy (not certified). Additionally, Ericca Gallegos and Andrew Morris were approved for part-time employment as Dispatchers.

In terms of equipment, the department received approval to purchase three mobile radios and two portable radios for a total cost of $13,257.76. They also received approval to outfit two Dodge Durango vehicles for $17,760.86, with the remaining vehicles costing $27,900.81. ComSouth was the low bidder for all of these purchases.

Furthermore, the department discussed and received approval for a weapons purchase. Ridgeland was the low bidder, and the cost for the weapons was $7,147.94. The meeting was then motioned into executive session. The next Union County supervisors meeting is scheduled for Monday, December 4, 2023, at 10 AM.

Video of meeting (Kenny S Studio): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SD3Xg8YxnTs&ab_channel=TanglefootTVprovidedbyKennySStudio

-Kendall Stancil