Union County Election Commission disqualifies Browning in Superintendent race, UPDATED

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UPDATE: August 21, 2015 : Roger Browning returned our call early today, stating that he “has nothing to say at this time” about his disqualification in the Superintendent race.

UPDATE:  9:30 PM August 20, 2015

Union County Republican Chairman Clay Hardy has told NAnewsweb that the party has, at this time, made no decision as to what, if any, reaction it will have to today’s decision of the Union County Election Commission disqualifing Roger Browning in the  Union County Superintendent of Schools race.

“Right now, we are just concentrating on the run-off elections this coming Tuesday,” said Hardy.  “We are keeping our options open.”

NAnewsweb attempted to reach Roger Browning by telephone, but has not heard from Browning at this time. If Browning wishes to make a statement on the decision, NAnewsweb will update this story at that time.


NEW ALBANY – NAnewsweb has learned that the Union County Election Commission, a non-partisan elected body, has disqualified Republican Roger Browning in the race for Superintendent of County Schools. Browning was disqualified because he does not live within the Union County school district.

Sources say that it is possible, depending upon circumstances, that the Republicans may be allowed to appoint another candidate, should they find a qualified person to run.

As it currently stands, however, the winner of next week’s run-off election vote between current superintendent, Ken Basil, and challenger Loretta Hartfield will not have an opponent on the November ballot.

NAnewsweb will update this story as information becomes available.