Union County exercises its right to vote/FINAL UPDATE 9:50PM

New Albany, MS- Updated 10:00 PM 11-812016

Pinedale, MS, November 8, 2016

The poll workers at Pinedale on election day 2016 couldn’t remember the last time a news reporter had visited their community in the southwestern corner of Union County.

Voting is done at the Pinedale Volunteer Fire Department and Community Center, which is 14.7 miles from the Union County Courthouse. They could feel a little isolated out that way, but on the other hand, being remote from the seat of power of the County of Union may be what they like most. The election workers were hospitable, but not at all excited over having their picture made and posted on an internet news site.

On the wall of the voting room hang composite photographs of several graduating classes of Pinedale High School. The last class pictured was from 1961, when the eight graduates that year were: Wayne Crawley, Billy Terry Lawrence, Betty Mayhew, James Carlton Wallace, Janie Gafford, Ferrell Garrett, Melvin Willard, and Ladene Dillard. The class sponsor was Miss Audrey Warren and the Principal was Mr. Lael T. Gooch.  Pinedale is still, 55 years after they received their diplomas, a nice community with neatly kept houses, a very low crime rate, and respect for God and country.

By the way, Pinedale voted 290 for Trump (91.19%); 22 votes for Clinton (6.92%).

Pinedale High School, Class of 1961

Pinedale High School, Class of 1961 (click to enlarge)

UPDATED: 9:30pm    With all precincts in and counted, the Presidential race is as follows: (absentee ballots not counted)

Total Votes:         10,634

Trump/Pence        8510     (80%)

Clinton/Kaine       1838     (16.3%)

Johnson/Weld        123      (0.97%)

Stein/Baraka             17      (0.19%)

Detail results of final count in other races: final-except-absentee


New Albany, MS- Here are a few scenes from the wide-flung voting precincts of Union Couty, along with information on turn out at the time of the photo. NAnewsweb.com will update this post periodically throughout the evening with additional photos and, when polls close, with local returns.

ELECTION DAY SCENES AT THE POLLS: (click to enlarge/download)