Union County Board of Supervisors’ May 15 meeting

The Union County Board of Supervisors’ May 15 meeting worked its way through a 19-item agenda in just 35 minutes Monday morning.

The speed is the more impressive when considering that three non-agenda items also came before the board, and that one of those consumed 15 of the 35 minutes.

Although he was not on the agenda, first up was Ross Crawford, who represents the Mississippi Deferred Compensation (MDC). Crawford said MDC is a state-run plan, separate from and in addition to the state’s retirement plan. MDC allows state workers to authorize a portion of their state paycheck to be deducted and deposited in individual accounts, where the funds are invested and expected to grow to supplement the state worker’s retirement. MDC accounts are apparently similar to Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), but with different rules and, said Crawford, greater benefits for state workers than IRAs. Crawford spoke for about 15 minutes.

Appointments of jobs within the office of the County Collector and Assessor. The appointments were made at the request of Union County Collector and Assessor Tameri Dunnam. The appointments were:

  • Christy Sullivan as Chief Deputy Map with a pay increase.
  • Karen McMillen as Chief Deputy Assessor with a pay increase.
  • Mitch Doom as Deputy Tax Assessor.

Jimmy Catt, of the Oxford engineering firm Elliott and Britt, reported to the board that road work on County Road 137 and work on a bridge on County Road 171 are near completion. Elliott and Britt are the county’s consulting engineers.

There were two appointments to the County Road Department:

  • Taylor English was employed as a mechanic
  • Brent Martin was named as a “bushhogger.”

William Payton Lollar was employed part-time as a dispatcher in the county sheriff’s office.

The board approved a manual check for $700 for attorney fees to Stephen Livingston.

The board also paid routine fees and claim forms and took care of other routine business.

The next meeting of the Union County Board of Supervisors will be Monday, June 5th.