Winter Blues in Mississippi’s Hill Streets

Old Man Winter showed what is possibly the most treacherous side of his face last night, when freezing rain, sleet and gusting winds produced a heavy coating of ice throughout the New Albany area.

Ice covers New Albany hills and highways.

Ice covers New Albany hills and highways.

Though I personally observed the technique of several drivers who should have stayed at home, New Albany Police Chief Chris Robertson states that, “We have been extremely lucky, with accidents generally occurring in less than expected numbers. It seems that most people have taken the advice to stay at home.”

According to Chief Robertson, most major roads are currently passable, though less traveled roads and roads that are largely shaded remain very dangerous. The Chief’s major concern now is that, because the roadways still have a lot of water after thawing during the day, drivers should be very cautions as evening approaches.

He warned that: “After 5:00 PM today, when the sun goes down and the temperatures drop, the roads may become as bad, or possibly even worse, than they were this morning.”

As Hill Street Blues’ Sgt. Phil Esterhaus often admonished: “Let’s be careful out there!”

Spring greenery peeking through an icy blanket

Spring greenery peeking through an icy blanket