103-year-old voter, Macie Ferrell, cast her ballot on election day
Macie Ferrell of the Beacon Hill community was one of the 8,388 Union County voters who cast ballots Tuesday, Nov. 6th.
Ms Ferrell is 103 years old. She voted at the precinct located at the Beacon Hill Volunteer Fire Department. Ms Ferrell is believed to be the oldest Union County voter go out to vote yesterday.
Nearly 500 Union Countians, an unusually high number, voted absentee ballots Tuesday. But Macie Ferrell was not one of them. She walked into the fire station under her own steam, stood at the machine and voted on Election Day.
Thanks to Union County Circuit Clerk Phyllis Stanford for furnishing the photo and calling Macie Ferrell’s exemplary citizenship to our attention.
What the voters of Union County decided Nov. 6: http://nanewsweb.com/union-county-ms-2018-midterm-results/