County sustains at least $200,000 in road damage from flooding
Union County supervisors formally adopted a resolution Monday asking the governor to declare a state of emergency relating to the extensive June 9 and following flooding.
At the time, more than 40 county roads were underwater and a few people had to be rescued, but damage could not be assessed because so much of the area was under water.
Emergency Management Director Curt Clayton said Monday he is aware of at least $200,000 in road damage and he is still compiling information to reach a final total due to the large number of roads involved.
Also during the brief meeting, supervisors went into executive session to discuss economic development projects with economic developer Gary Chandler. Although nothing was announced, the board has been meeting with Chandler more often this year and he has increase his time in New Albany leading to speculation that some industry may be considering this area as a manufacturing site, or perhaps expansion of existing industries.
In other business, the board again approved the agreement concerning school resource officers for the county school district. Under the agreement the county school district reimburses the county for one SRO plus one-half the cost of the three additional SROs.
Supervisors voted to amend the solid waste fund budget concerning a new tandem-axle garbage truck. The change was because the board decided to purchase a 25-yard truck instead of the budgeted 20-yard. By law, solid waste budgets are separate from general government budgets and the departments must be self-supporting.
They approved a proclamation by the governor allowing county offices to be closed Monday, July 5, in observance of Independence Day because the actual holiday falls on Sunday.
In other business supervisors:
Approved travel expenses for the volunteer fire coordinator and EMA directors to attend the state convention in Biloxi June 24-27.
Approved paying fees to the medical examiner for death investigations, the circuit clerk for holding court and serving as county registrar, the election commissioners for their duty and the chancery clerk for processing Homestead Exemption applications.
Approved a school bus turnaround for the county school district on County Road 66.
The next scheduled meeting of the board will be Tuesday, July 6, at 10 a.m. rather than Monday because of the holiday.