Hiking the Appalachian Trail: Museum Moments Thursday May 26
Museum Moments at the Union County museum will host Margaret and Wayne Vanlandingham, discussing their hiking of the Appalachian Trail. It’s free to the public and lunch will be served.
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Museum Moments at the Union County museum will host Margaret and Wayne Vanlandingham, discussing their hiking of the Appalachian Trail. It’s free to the public and lunch will be served.
Union County’s weather on Saturday May, 21st, played nice with most folks’ outdoor activity plans, but not all.
The New Albany Police Department is seeking Brandon Crain in a stabbing incident, and asks public to notify 911 if he is seen.
After a gathering in New Albany’s Wall’s parking lot resulted in a highway chase and a shooting in Myrtle, NAPD has banned ‘hanging out’ in Wall’s parking lot.
Two male teenagers arrested and charged in May 19th shooting incident in Myrtle, MS.
The Union County Sheriff’s Department is currently investigating a shooting that occurred before 10PM this evening, May 19, in Myrtle MS.
Union Co. Supervisors heard reports from organizations getting tax money, took road work bids, transacted other routine business at May 16 meeting.
Mississippi’s Commodity & Specialty Crop Producers are encouraged to check into USDA emergency relief program for 2020 and 2021 losses.
Tyrone Bell surrendered to authorities on Tuesday, May 17th, after being sought since Friday, May 13th, in connection with a domestic dispute.
In memory of Michael Ruff Thomas, 73.
Multiple emergency responders answered a fire call to a burning home on CR 515 in Union County. Despite reports of two trapped persons, no injuries were reported, but the home was considered a total loss.
NAPD seeking Tyrone Preston Bell after domestic dispute. Possibly armed and dangerous.
NEMiss.NEWS is a locally owned and operated online news magazine containing news, information, opinion, etc. of interest to residents of Northeast Mississippi.
NEMiss.NEWS was founded in 2014 and is a division of Shivimage, LLC, and began publishing in early 2015. Read more.