Board of Supervisors discuss Emerald lease, February 8, 2016
Work on a county-owned building to be leased by Emerald Manufacturing Company was discussed again at the Monday meeting of the Union County Board of Supervisors.
The county bought the building, previously owned by Hickory Manufacturing, utilizing a million-dollar loan from the State of Mississippi. Emerald, a Seattle, WA, based furniture manufacturer, agreed to acquire the building by a lease-purchase arrangement, subject to improvements necessary for its operations, and those lease payments will be used to pay off the loan from the state.
More than a million dollars for improvements to the facility was provided by grants from federal and state government sources. Although the county government is in charge of the project, no county tax revenues will be required for its completion. Emerald has already started monthly payments of a little under $10,000 a month under the lease-purchase agreement.
Approximately 150 people will be employed by Emerald’s Union County operation when it begins production operations.
At this week’s meeting, Wesley Bell of the Three Rivers Planning and Development District discussed with the county board some change orders and contractor payments relative to the Emerald project.
At its February 1 meeting, the Board of Supervisors opened bids for heating and air conditioning work at Emerald plant. The low bid of $578,000 was by Riddle Air Conditioning and Heating Company of New Albany. However, it was discovered that Riddle does not have a current “certificate of responsibility,” (CAR) which is required for contractors on such projects. Thus the board at this week’s meeting awarded the work to Tri-State Heating and Cooling of Memphis, which does have current certification. Tri-State’s bid was $614,784.60.
In other business Monday, the Board of Supervisors heard a request by city and county school officials responsible for the “Excel By 5” program in Union County. The board was told that Northeast Mississippi Community College’s New Albany campus had provide storage space for supplies used by “Excel By 5” during previous years. However, Northeast can no longer provide the storage space, and the board was asked to provide alternative space. Discussion during the meeting indicated a likelihood that storage space could be provided at the Union County Public Library.
Excel By 5 is a program to assist parents and others to assure that children five years old and younger have the necessary skills and health to do well in school.
The county had requested bids for five tractors for use in county road maintenance. Only Scruggs equipment company of Tupelo bid on the tractors. The Scruggs bid of $19,000 per tractor, $95,000 total, was accepted by the board.
The county accepted the lower of two bids to provide county law enforcement and emergency personnel with 20 GPS units. The low bid of $10,890 from the GPS Store was accepted.
The board approved payment of 12 fees to the county medical examiner.
The Union County Board of Supervisors will meet again Monday, February 15, at 10 a.m.