Archived, searchable stories of people, particularly in the North MS area, who have done something of interest or of benefit to the community and its citizens. Also includes people on the national or international scene who have noteworthy achievements and/or connections to MS, etc.

NEMiss.News Dr. Shane Scott at IMPC, COVID-19

Dr. Shane Scott: “COVID is not going away.” What you should know.

  NEW ALBANY, MS - “COVID is not going to go away,” a prominent northeast Mississippi physician told NEMISS.NEWS last week. “I suspect it is going to be one of the illnesses, such as the flu, ordinary head colds and strep, which…
Northeast MS Homeless at Tupelo library

Tupelo man says home overrun by homeless, asks its removal from demolition list

Tupelo, MS - The first Tupelo City Council meeting of the year, January 7, 2020, was not without drama. Mr. Frank Agnew, an area homeowner, went before the council in an attempt to save his property. The home is currently in a state of disrepair,…
New Albany MS. Christmas at the Museum 2018

2019 Christmas at the Museum, December 14

Mingle and Jingle with Santa, enjoys crafts and holiday refreshments on Saturday, Dec. 14, from 10 until 12 noon at the Union County Heritage Museum for the annual Christmas event. Part of the holiday season that has become a tradition is…
concrete pad

Some work complete on industrial park enhancements

Work is partly complete on projects to attract more industry to Union County. A concrete pad for a shell building and a nearby industrial access road have been done. Steel was expected to be going up soon for a 100,000-square-foot shell building…
missing man mcquary

Body of missing man Scott McQuary found Tuesday morning

Members of the Union County Sheriff’s Department found the body of 49-year-old Scott McQuary Tuesday morning in a sand pit off County Road 14. The case was under investigation Tuesday but Sheriff Jimmy Edwards said no foul play was suspected…
New Albany MS Doggie dining in MS

Doggie Dining: Coming to a restaurant near you?

JACKSON, Miss. – Beginning Friday, November 1, 2019, a new Mississippi State Department of Health (MSDH) policy will allow "doggie dining." Restaurant patrons will be able to dine with their pet dogs under certain conditions. Patterned…
New Albany, MS Gobble gobble, Patterson home open at Thanksgiving

Gobble, Gobble — Wobble, Wobble— Happy Thanksgiving!

“Praise God from whom all blessings flow...” --The Doxology    There is something very special in the air. It’s an air of gratitude, an air filled with the fragrance of hope and Thanksgiving. This year’s bounty has been harvested.… Daisy winner Melton

Career & Technology Day, May 13, to include job fair

The New Albany School of Career & Technical Education is planning Career & Technology Day for May 13. This year plans are being made to add a job fair component to the event for New Albany High School juniors and seniors, as well… Daisy winner Melton

New Albany in running for music series grant-here’s how to vote

NEW ALBANY, MS - Sponsored by Levitt Pavilions, the national nonprofit behind the largest free concert series in America, the City of New Albany hopes to qualify as one of the 15 winning organizations competing in the Levitt AMP Grant Awards. What… Daisy winner Melton

NAMS Howlin’ on the RIver Color Run set for October 31

Walk, jog, and run your way toward a healthier life while raising funds for New Albany Middle School! The color run is open to EVERYONE in the community and we encourage you to join us. The My School Color Run will feature…
NEMiss.News Sam Mosley, a bright spot on the porch

Living Blues Magazine to honor Mosley & Johnson Band

The public is invited to a reception honoring the musical legacy of Sam Mosley and the Mosely & Johnson Band, Friday Nov. 12 at the museum. There will be food, drink and music.
NEMiss.News National Novel Writing Month

Faulkner library offers challenge to write a novel in November

Union Co. Heritage Museum invites you to the Faulkner Library and the Faulkner Garden to work on writing that novel you've been thinking of. This is National Novel Writing Month - come in and get to work.
NEMiss.News Sheriff's Dept. Vehicle

Just being neighborly on the Tanglefoot Trail

A recent dilemma on the Tanglefoot Trail proves, once again, that most public safety workers truly are on the job to help people. And, if you have serious trouble, you're probably going to want one nearby.
NEMiss.News Tommy Sappington Obituary & Services

Full obituary for New Albany businessman Tommy Sappington

Full obituary and services information for New Albany businessman Roy Thomas Sappington.
NEMiss.News Baptist CEO and Service First Champion Diane Taylor

Baptist Union County selects Taylor as quarterly Service First Champion

Congratulations to Diane Taylor, recently named Baptist-Union County's quarterly Service First Champion. The award recognizes employees who consistently provide patient services that exceed expectations.
NEMiss.News Collett Cross, current president of Pilot International

Collett Cross named president of Pilot International

Dr. Collett Cross recently became the second New Albany Pilot Club member to become the president of Pilot International. She was honored at a reception at the Union County Heritage Museum on July 26th.
NEMiss.News Cook twins' birthday party

Twins celebrate 67th birthday together with a street party

A Saturday afternoon, July 24, street party honored the birthdays of James Cook and his twin sister Betty Cook White in New Albany. Food, family and friends made for a successful celebration.
NEMiss.News Ty and Rhonda Parker

MS Medicaid is major roadblock to young man’s cancer treatment

Mississippi is certainly not considered to be a "wealthy" state. Nevertheless, our state has a wealth of generous people. Ty Parker is losing his battle with a rare cancer, and could some help from his fellow Mississippians.

Robbins graduates from state fire academy

Robbins' training meets National Fire Protection Association 1001 Firefighter I-II standards.
NEMiss.News Jaxon Nolan gets Naval Academy appointment

Fulton native appointed to the Naval Academy

Congratulations to Jaxon Nolan, of Fulton, MS, on his appointment to the U. S. Naval Academy. Daisy winner Melton

Baptist Union Co. recognizes Ellen Melton for performance above and beyond expectations

Ellen Melton's outstanding nursing performance was recognized by patients and families, leading to her being the recipient of the Daisy Award for nursing excellence.