County board approves 2018-19 county budget, sets tax levy

2018-19 county budget set

The Union County Board of Supervisors approved the county operating budget and set the ad valorem tax levy for fiscal year 2018-19 during a meeting September 14th. The budget year starts Oct. 1, 2018, and ends Sept. 30, 2019.

The total property tax (ad valorem) levy remains the same as in the fiscal year that will end Sept. 30, 2018. The levy for county operations during the coming year will total 61.42 mills on property as assessed Jan. 1, 2018. The largest item in the total levy of 61.42 mills is 35.81 mills for general county operations, and the smallest is a levy of .93-mills for fire protection outside the New Albany city limits.  The total levy earmarked for county roads, bridges and culverts and their maintenance is 16.13 mills. Northeast Mississippi Community College will enjoy the proceeds of a total levy of 5.55 mills. The county library and New Haven School will each will receive the revenue of 1-mill.

In addition to revenue from ad valorem taxes, county revenues from other sources are expected to include: $1.9 million from licenses and commissions and a total of about $3.5-million from state and federal sources.

The budget anticipates spending $16.3-million for county government operations during the coming year. Among the larger categories of expense are: $4.3-million for public safety, $5.2-million for public works, and $2.3-million for general government.

The 2018-19 county budget includes appropriations for three school resource officers, a new fire truck, a new vehicle for the sheriff’s department, and, if necessary, two new garbage trucks.

In addition to the levy of 61.42 mill for property taxes to fund county government operations, on Friday the county board also has approved a total of 54.79 mills for maintenance of the Union County School District, which includes 2.8-mills to service a note for county schools transportation needs.