Fighting burning dust all in a day’s work for NAFD
New Albany Fire Crews were dispatched and kept busy at a fire on North Glenfield road Friday, February 9th at noon.

New Albany Deputy Chief Mark Whiteside reported that the fire dept was aware the dust collector would be dismantled and moved from the location here in our city, but was not aware it was being done at this time. “Not an issue to us, and it was an accidental fire” reported Whiteside.

“It was just one of those types of fires that all you can do is put a large amount of water on to extinguish. Whenever you are dealing with any type dust, it can be a problem for firefighters. Dust can ignite in a flash fire.

No injuries were reported, but traffic was slowed some while the supply line from the hydrant, along with fire vehicles, were in one lane of traffic.
“The dust collector’s inner parts were damaged, but can be repaired after it is moved to its new location, from what we were told. We understand construction crews are planning to complete the move the first part of the week,” said Whiteside.