Lee County to Honor School Lunch Workers

Tupelo-The Lee County Board of Supervisors met on April 20 in a standard affair. Most board members were present, however the option for call-in attendance was available.

The board voted to declare Friday, May 1, School Lunch Hero Day for Tupelo and Lee County. This came by executive order from Mayor Jason Shelton. With schools closed for the remainder of the school year, it is very important for children to receive nutritious meals. According to the proclamation, the workers serving meals are on the front line as we deal with Covid-19.

Officials also approved another extension for the contract for debris cleanup.  The original contract was made in December of 2019. According to board members, several complaints have been made that the company hired has made pick-ups in some areas, but have skipped some houses.

Discussions where made regarding ways to ensure that cleanup is going as planned. It was suggested that the company not be paid until the work was done, but the most promising suggestion was to supervise the crews to ensure the job was done.