Mayoral candidates interviewed on TV99 New Albany’s Local Talk

Bill Gault, of the local access TV99 television station, interviews the two mayoral candidates in the upcoming New Albany Municipal election on TV99’s Local Talk. One of these men is our next mayor; click the link below to hear his thoughts on what the job may require of him.

Less than 30% of New Albany’s registered city voters turned out for the primary election. All involved officials and candidates are encouraging  New Albany voters to educate themselves about the candidates and issues, and to turn out to vote in the June 6th general election. Only three city positions are actually still being contested: Mayor, Alderman-at-Large and Alderman Ward One. will be posting a series later in the month, based on candidate responses to our questions.

Our town is growing and changing daily. This election is our opportunity to help determine the direction that will be taken. We must all do our “due diligence” and vote our wishes.

TV99New Albany Mayoral Interview: