NALGW requests Customer Interest Forms for upcoming Broadband service

NEMiss.News NALGW sign on new building





New Albany Light, Gas and Water Director Bill Mattox is working hard to get high speed internet service to the New Albany area. The service will make available 10 gigabit symmetrical broadband service throughout the NALGW service area, including New Albany and large parts of Union, Benton, Tippah and Marshall counties.

Mattox has asked that area residents complete a brief Customer Interest Form to be provided to ACE Fiber of Corinth, the internet service provider he is working with. Forms can be reprinted from the PDF below, and are also available at NALGW office at 126 Main St. (old Fred’s Building).

Sending a completed form to Mr. Mattox will also assist in securing grants for the project.


Mattox informed NEMiss.News recently that the project is currently in the design phase. He is hoping to advertise for a construction contractor during August, and wants to begin building the system main line in the fall.

Hopefully ACE Fiber will be in a position to begin hooking customers up early in 2024.


More details about NALGW/ACE broadband:


NALGW Broadband Customer Interest Form