New business to be announced soon on Park Plaza Drive in New Albany

car wash

A new sign will go up before the weekend announcing a new business to be located on Park Plaza Drive in New Albany.

A formal announcement is expected soon about a new state-of-the art, environmentally friendly car wash to be built on the popular New Albany business street during coming weeks.

The automated equipment in the new facility is manufactured to operate according to the environmental standards required by the state of California, standards much more strict that those of the U. S. Environmental Protections Agency (EPA).

Although the new car wash facility will be fully automated, an attendant will be present during operating hours to assure customer satisfaction at all times.

Free vacuum cleaners will be available for cleaning vehicle interiors.

The manufacturer of the new equipment has been making commercial washing facilities for railroad cars and over-the-road trucks for many years and has been manufacturing equipment for washing passenger vehicles for four years.