Republicans learn about candidates, have “straw vote”
About 60 people attended a Monday night meeting of the Union County Women’s Republican Club in the circuit court room at the Union County Courthouse.
The incumbent Republican congressman, an incumbent Mississippi Supreme Court judge and a candidate who is challenging the incumbent congressman in the March 8th primary were present.
Representatives of five of the 13 Republican presidential candidates on the primary ballot made brief presentations urging the merits of their candidates.

U.S. Congressman Trent Kelly (R-Ms1st Dist.) contemplated a late-life painting of Robert E. Lee during his time in New Albany on February 22nd.
U.S. Congressman Trent Kelly and his wife Sheila visited with voters at the event. Kelly was elected last year to complete the term of the late Congressman Alan Nunnelee, who died shortly after being re-elected for a third term as representative of Mississippi’s First Congressional District.
Before his election to congress, Kelly served as district attorney of the First Circuit Court District, which includes Lee and several adjacent Mississippi counties. He has served 30 years in the U.S. Army and is a full colonel in the Mississippi Army National Guard. He is a graduate of the University of Mississippi and of its law school. He earned a master’s degree in Strategic Studies from the U.S. Army War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, in 2010. Kelly has served three tours in Iraq as a commissioned officer and earned two Bronze Stars, a medal awarded only to officers and enlisted personnel who have served “in imminent danger” in combat. Congressman and Mrs. Kelly have three children.
Paul Clever, a businessman from Olive Branch, who served in a U.S. Navy submarine squadron during the Cold War, is challenging Kelly for the Republican congressional nomination. He was present for the Monday event. He and his wife Nita have one child. He earned an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) two-year degree. Clever has not previously run for public office.
Judge James D. “Jimmy” Maxwell is running for election to the Mississippi Supreme Court. He visited with those who attending the Monday evening meeting. Maxwell was appointed to the state supreme court last year by Governor Phil Bryant, replacing Judge David Chandler, who resigned. Judge Maxwell previously served six years on the Mississippi Court of Appeals,
Speakers representing five of the 13 Republican presidential candidates on the March 8th ballot each spoke briefly.
A straw poll of those attending the meeting produced the following results:
Ted Cruz, 15 votes.
Donald Trump, 14 votes.
Marco Rubio, 7 votes.
Ben Carson, 5 votes.
John Kasich. 3 votes
A total of 13 Republicans will be on the March 8 presidential primary ballot. Only the five listed above were represented at the Union County Women’s Republican Club meeting. Others on the Republican ballot will be Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Carly Fiorina, Lindsey Graham, Mike Huckabee, George Pataki, Rand Paul, and Rick Santorum.
There will be four Democrats on the March 8th ballot. They are Hillary Clinton, Roque “Rocky” De Le Fuente, Martin O’Malley and Bernie Sanders.