Something for everyone in New Albany, MS
If you live in or near New Albany, MS, we hope you have some free time over the several days. A variety of opportunities are on tap here, with, literally, something for everyone.
At the Union County Heritage Museum
For photographers and those who appreciate interesting photographs:
It is too late to enter the “Take a Hike in Yoknapatawpha” photography contest for this year. However, entries and winners are now on display at the Union County Heritage Museum. The contest is part of the annual William Faulkner Literary Fest. The display will hang thru July 12, 2019. Check it out. We think you may get motivated to enter next year.
For artists, lovers of the arts, believers in the “never stop learning” lifestyle:
Museum Director, Jill Smith, won one of only 20 grants given nation-wide by Aroha Philanthropies. Its purpose is to foster creative aging centered on life-long learning. “The Nature of Printmaking” was one of a scheduled series of adult classes. The museum is currently featuring printmaking art that was created by local citizens. The art is creative, educational and lovely to look at. As a result of visiting, you may even be inspired to participate in some (or all) of the remaining classes. This exhibit will hang through July 12th. See the link below for upcoming opportunities.
In historic downtown New Albany – Freedom Fest Weekend
For families, farmers, individuals, cooks, artists, bikers, food lovers, car lovers, music lovers–fun lovers of all descriptions:
Thursday June 27: New Albany’s famous Biscuits & Jam Farmers’ market will be down by the river with fresh local produce, homemade goodies and live music from the Busty Petites.

Soaring temperatures did not deter these Mississippians from enjoying the Biscuits & Jam Farmers’ Market.
Friday June 28: The Cruisin’ in New Albany Car Show come to town in all its vintage glory. There will be a cornhole competition for you who enjoy a lot of friendly competition. Also, Elvis and The Boomers will be providing live music.
Saturday June 29: An all-day event beginning with Pedaling for Hope in the morning. Then, first ever Blackberry Jubilee and Smoke on the Water Cook Off. Arts and crafts sales, food vendors, kiddie activities, all the trimmings. Live music by Terry “Harmonica” Bean, Tombigbee Divide, Dirty Streets, Massey & Tate, and Twenty2Seven.
The featured act of the event is New Albany’s Sam Mosley with the Muscle Shoals Horns. Lastly, a Fireworks cherry on top!
Something for everyone information: the photography contest, Lifelong Learning opportunities, Freedom Fest