Co. Board: State legislature’s failure affects local ability to plan and act
The deadlock in the state legislature puts Union and other Mississippi counties in a kind of limbo regarding vital services county governments are expected to perform.
The Mississippi legislature’s failure to pass a state budget in its regular session and many believe they will also fail do get the job done in the special session called for that purpose. In response to a question at the end of the Monday, June 6, meeting of the Union County Board of Supervisors, Board President Dave Kitchens says the legislature’s failure puts the county in the dark regarding money normally appropriated to the county for local needs. State aid road money for upkeep of roads and bridges and money for acquisition of fire-fighting equipment for rural volunteer fire departments are among the items the legislature has failed to resolve.
The board worked its way through an uncommonly long 36-item agenda.
At the request of Union County Fire Coordinator Steve Coker the board approved a small expansion of the coverage area of the Center Fire Department and Grading District. The expansion will fill a coverage gap that had previously existed, a small area not covered another fire protection district.
Also at Coker’s request, the board approved a manual check for $250,000 for the purchase of a new fire engine for the Myrtle voluntary fire department.
Among the other significant items on the agenda, the board:
- Approved a resolution to sell a small stand of mixed timber which covers about six acres of county road land. The timber will be sold to the highest bidder.
- Approved hiring Holly Webb as a deputy clerk in the office of Circuit Clerk Phyllis Stanford. Lauren Hatton, currently the deputy circuit clerk, has resigned effective mid June to accept another job offer.
- Approved resolutions for engineering work to be done under a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). Although no specific information was given, the CDBG-funded project was said to be for a possible new industry considering locating in New Albany.
- Approved hirings and longevity raises for employees of both the road department and sheriff’s department.
- The board approved the claims docket, which is the list of the county’s accounts payable.
The board approved the minutes of the April meetings.