Tallahatchie Arts Council receives CARES grant from South Arts and MAC
The Tallahatchie Arts Council has been awarded a $2,760 South Arts Organizational Impact Grant from the Mississippi Arts Commission. This grant is a portion of CARES Act COVID-19 recovery funding MAC received through South Arts, a regional partner, and the National Endowment for the Arts.
The grant awarded to the arts council will be used to help pay utilities and other operational expenses since COVID impacted class schedules.
Using funds from the CARES Act, the National Endowment for the Arts awarded almost $30 million to the nation’s 50 states, the District of Columbia and several territories including Puerto Rico. A portion of this CARES funding was allocated for South Arts to re-grant throughout its service area. As a regional partner, MAC received $60,000 of this funding. MAC established the South Arts Organization Impact Grant program in response to distribute these funds and provide economic relief as quickly as possible while focusing assistance on independent arts organizations with staff.
“We are incredibly grateful to Congress, the President, and the NEA for providing this much-needed recovery funding for the arts,” said Larry Morrisey, interim executive director of MAC. “Like much of the economy, the arts sector in Mississippi and the nation have faced significant challenges as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Closing facilities and canceling events equates to lost revenue. We are thankful that the federal government has recognized this need and has responded.”
Tallahatchie Arts Council, along with offering classes for adults, has done outreach work with Boys and Girls Club and has offered classes to area youth, which were interrupted by the pandemic. Plans are to regain momentum lost during COVID and to begin to cautiously offer classes. Currently pottery studio hours are being scheduled at the Museum Art House.
“We are very excited to announce that the Tallahatchie Arts Council is offering ceramic (pottery) studio hours exclusively to TAC members. There are multiple studio hours each week, bringing you the chance to get a little muddy & creative, as often as you wish,” said Jane Weigartner, TAC president.
“Classes were to start Oct. 26 and go through Nov. 30 (classes may be added for early December as well),” she said. “With a variety of times and dates, TAC members are invited to sign up for however many slots as they want. Three pounds of clay, access to all available glazes and firings are included in the cost of $35. Additional clay is available for $5 per pound on that day.”
“No outside clay will be accepted during studio hours,” she said. “Expect at least a week between making and coming back to glaze. We are so grateful for your continued support of the arts in our community.” Questions? Contact Jane Weigartner at (662) 266-0253.
The Mississippi Arts Commission, a state agency, serves the residents of the state by providing grants that support programs to enhance communities; assist artists and arts organizations; promote the arts in education and celebrate Mississippi’s cultural heritage. Established in 1968, the Mississippi Arts Commission is funded by the Mississippi Legislature, the National Endowment for the Arts, the Mississippi Endowment for the Arts at the Community Foundation for Mississippi and other private sources. The agency serves as an active supporter and promoter of arts in community life and arts education. For information from the Mississippi Arts Commission, contact Anna Ehrgott, Communications Director, 601-359-6546 or aehrgott@arts.ms.gov.