Tallahatchie River Players announce Christmas Parade
The city of New Albany has teamed up with the Tallahatchie River players to produce the city and county’s Christmas parade.
The theme for this year’s parade is “A Storybook Christmas”. The date of the parade will be the first Monday after Thanksgiving, which falls on November 30th.
According to the city’s Tourism Department, which is helping the Tallahatchie River Players (TRP) organize the event this year, the route for the parade is still being determined. In the past, the route needed to go west on Main street to avoid the low railroad bridge. Now, however, the new Trailhead Bridge over Main Street that was installed a few months ago allows for a couple of options. One option that is being discussed takes the route from the library parking lot and behind the police station and up the hill behind the courthouse then onto Bankhead, and then come back around to end at the Farmers Market area, or make the full circle and end up back the city parking lot by the library. The other option will be to continue the route as it has been the last few years.
“We are very excited to be working on this project with the Tallahatchie River Players. They have an excellent track record of creating quality productions in New Albany and we’re confident that the parade will be a wonderful event,” says Sean Johnson, the city’s director of Marketing and Tourism.
The theme this year is “A Storybook Christmas”, but directors aren’t meaning a theme about traditional Christmas stories, but rather children’s stories set in a Christmas environment.
“Think along the lines of your favorite story, maybe the “Ugly Duckling” and put the characters in a Christmas setting! We hope the participants and spectators find this a fun idea,” says Evelyn Mason, TRP Chairman.
The parade as just one part of a larger Christmas celebration that takes place in our attractive downtown. On November 8th New Albany Main Street is hosting their Downtown Open House, an event that seems to get bigger and better each year. As well, on Thursday nights November, excepting Thanksgiving, downtown retailers will be open late.
“And we’re hoping that some of the restaurants will take advantage of the parade crowds in town even though it’s a Monday night,” says Johnson.
In addition to floats and bands, the parade is looking for antique cars, horse groups, pageant winners, marching groups and a possible surprise or two.
“The Christmas parade has always been a big part of bringing families together and showing our kids that there are wonderful things in this life to enjoy. We invite you to come out to the parade and enjoy this wonderful time of the year together with the community” says Rick Lemmons TRP member.
For those interested in participating in the parade, applications are available at the tourism office located in the old post office across from the Courthouse (135 E Bankhead). This year applications can also be submitted online through a link on the New Albany Facebook page at the Storybook Christmas in New Albany Facebook page and at the events section of www.visitnewalbany.com. Other inquiries can be made by calling Evelyn Mason with the Tallahatchie River Players. Here number is 662-317-9275.
To register an entry for the parade, click this link: https://visitnewalbany.wufoo.com/forms/z1z0ln3l0073qmk/
For press inquiries contact:
Sean Johnson