Tax office has drop boxes to speed up tax payments and car tag sales
Traffic into the Union County Courthouse is still being tightly controlled due to the threat of spreading the coronavirus.
In particular, Tax Assessor-Collector Tameri Dunnam has had to stop access to inside her office with people who have business doing so at a counter at the office door, one at a time.
Dunnam said tax payments and tag renewals will continue to only be handled through the mail or over the phone.
However, Dunnam has placed two drop boxes outside the courthouse for the convenience of residents. One is in front of the courthouse and the other is outside the east entrance.
Dunnam said she checks the boxes at least twice a day and payments put in them can be processed much more quickly than by using the postal service. She added the boxes are secure enough for cash to be deposited if anyone chooses to do so.
Although tax payments and tag renewals will only be handled through the mail or over the phone, those registering a new vehicle may call for an appointment. The phone number to call for that is 534-1972.
Anyone with questions regarding land, mobile home or homestead may also call for an appointment. That number is 534-1973.
The Union County Circuit Clerk’s office is also providing only counter service at the door.
Only the automatic doors in the front of the courthouse is now being used for access to the tax office, the circuit clerk’s office or the election commission.
Traffic-control chains and signs have been placed to separate people entering and leaving, and keeping them from bunching up when several are waiting in line.
Masks are required for all appointments.
Dunnam reminds the public that these necessary changes are as disruptive for the staff as they are for the public.
“These changes make it harder for county employees to complete transactions,” Dunnam said. “Please be patient and understanding.”