Two car accident on Highway 15, 1-2-2020/UPDATED

New Albany MS two car accident 1-2-2020

UPDATED:  1-2-1010 8:02 pm:  According to NAFD Deputy Chief Mark Whiteside:

“In the two car motor vehicle accident on Hwy 15 South in front of George’s, both vehicles had heavy front end damage.

“One patient was transported by ambulance, with the extent of injuries unknown at this time.

“There was not any entrapment, but NAFD did have to remove patient due to the severe damage to front and driver portion of the car.”


Original Post:

New Albany Fire Department (NAFD) rescue crew members work to remove an accident victim from an automobile at 7:23pm on Thursday, January 2, 2020.

A two car accident a few minutes earlier, in front of George’s restaurant on Highway 15, in New Albany, caused apparent serious injuries.

Two ambulances from Baptist Memorial Hospital Union County responded to the scene. will post further information about this accident if it becomes available.