Union County Band Photos

Snapshots of Union County Band activities:

These snaps were sent in by Dana Hall

Union County Band performing at half-time.

Union County Band performing at half-time.

Myranda Hannah, color guard, dances as Paige Hall plays a solo at the East Union Homecoming. Also pictured: Kateri Fetter and Annemarie Fetter.

Myranda Hannah, color guard, dances as Paige Hall plays a solo at the East Union Homecoming. Also pictured: Kateri Fetter and Annemarie Fetter.












union co band









Thanks to Chuck Kidd via Melissa Coleman for this photo:

Some members of the Union County Band participated in the MSU Honors Band Day activities last weekend ??? in Starkville!

Some members of the Union County Band participated in the MSU Honors Band Day activities last weekend in Starkville!