What hath Trump wrought?   

NEMiss.News US Capitol building under assault


Today, for the first time in history, an armed mob, one specifically incited by the President of the United States, stormed the U.S. Capitol building.

The last time the Capitol building was attacked was by a leftist outfit calling itself the Armed Resistance Unit. At 11 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 7, 1983, the ARU exploded a bomb in a hallway in the north (Senate) wing of the building. It being late at night, no one was injured, but several thousand dollars-worth of damage was done.

Then-President Ronald Reagan was in no way implicated in that attack.

The last attempted attack on the Capitol building was on Sept. 11, 2001, when Osama Bin Laden’s Muslim extremists hijacked a commercial airliner, intending to crash it into the Capitol. Thanks to the heroism of several anonymous Americans, that attack did not succeed. The heroes on United Flight 93 overpowered the Muslim terrorists and forced the plane, intended to destroy the Capitol, to crash in Somerset County, Pennsylvania.

Forty-four people, including 40 innocents and four hijackers were killed, but the Capitol was unscathed.

Then-President George W. Bush was not implicated in that attack.

Today there was a disturbing and dramatic attack on the Capitol by thousands of extreme loyalists of President Donald J. Trump. And this attack was not merely on the Capitol Building, but on Congress itself, the members of which were meeting to count the Electoral College votes that elected Joe Biden President of the United States. The mob broke into the Capitol building, vandalized offices, and physically intimidated members of the U.S. House and Senate.

Current President Donald J. Trump IS specifically and irrefutably implicated in today’s attack.


NEMiss.News Mob Rule Editorial Cartoon

Editorial Cartoon: New York World

By shortly after sunset local time, an army of law enforcement personnel had cleared the building

Shortly before 5 p.m. Central Time, Mississippi’s First District U.S. Congressman Trent Kelly announced that he intended to participate, before the day ends, in completing the routine business of counting the Electoral votes that elected Biden.

In 1954, attorney Joseph Welch asked Wisconsin Senator Joe McCarthy, “Have you no sense of shame?” It is a relevant question again today for Trump.

In 64 days, Donald Trump has succeeded in un-doing many good things he had accomplished over the last four years.

I voted to re-elect Trump. I repent.

It was and is time for him to clear out.

-J. W. Shiverdecker