Union County officials sworn in December 18, 2023
Most of the newly elected of Union County, MS were sworn in today, December 18, 2023, at a ceremony at the Union County Courthouse.
Judge Jacqueline Mask, Senior Chancellor of the 8 counties of the First District Chancery Court administed the oaths of office. Many family members, friends and coworkers of the oath takers were present for the occasion. Jack Hickey, Youth Pastor at Hillcrest Baptist Church, opened the meeting with a few words about the purpose of government and a prayer.
Those present to be sworn in today were:
Annette Hickey, Union County Chancery Court Clerk
Donna Treadaway, Union County Circuit Court Clerk
Joe Marshall Davis, Union County Attorney
Jimmy Edwards, Union County Sheriff
Tameri Dunnam, Union County Tax Assessor & Collector
Union County Supervisors: Sam Taylor (District 1), Chad Cofley(District 2), C.J. Bright (District 3), Randy Owen (District 4), Steve Watson (District 5)
Pam Boman, Union County Coroner
David Garrison, Justice Court Judge
Chris Childers, Justice Court Judge
Election Commissioner District 2, Jumper
Election Commissioner District 3, Mike Conway
Election Commissioner District 4, Mike Beam
Union County Sheriff’s Deputies
Union County Jail Staff
Video of the Oath Taking Ceremony (begins at about the 9 minutes mark) Courtesy Kenny S Studio